Things I Don't Adore

By Meghan Mannhalt

Things I Don’t Adore is the place where I basically just complain and then complain about something that I just hate, something that I just simply cannot stand. This month, the thing that I can’t stand is teachers giving out hella homework on a daily basis.

            Don’t teachers know that we don’t want to spend all our time after school doing work after spending six hours at school doing work? We’re dead tired in the morning, then we have to deal with boring ol’ school and then we have to go home and do even more work!

            We have a life, you know. I mean, I guess it’s a good thing to have homework, so that we can get a better understanding of what we’re learning in class, BUT it’s so much work! And what about the students who have an after school job or have to babysit their younger siblings? Or the students who have after school activities? Most students have other responsibilities besides just school.

We have things that HAVE to get done that aren’t  related to school, and then we’re wayyyy too tired at the end of the day to even think about doing all the homework that we have to do. We need a break every now and then, ya know?  I have nothing against teachers, but come on. Please. Cut us some slack and cut down on the homework.

If teachers are going to give us a lot of homework, it should be due in two to three days depending on how much the work load is, to finish it all and turn it in. Doing that would be extremely helpful so we finish it all and turn it in on time. Or even spending the last ten minutes of class to start on the homework would help a bunch.